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Progressive Jackpots
Everything You Need to Know About Progressive Jackpots…
While a progressive jackpot can be associated with any machine, it’s most commonly associated with both online and offline slots. The way this style of casino game works is each time a machine is played, the value of its jackpot increases. This continues happening until someone wins. When that happens, they get the entire amount of the jackpot.
If you’re interest is piqued but you’re having a hard time imagining how that amount can reach a significant level, the reason that progressive jackpots can get quite large is because they usually involve a network of games that are all linked together. As with the concept itself, this can apply to both online and offline machines. Because there can be a large number of players adding to the jackpot at the same time, it can grow quite quickly.
Why Do Casinos Offer Progressive Jackpots?
Since this style of gambling game can result in such a large payout, many people are skeptical as to why casinos would even offer them in the first place. Interestingly enough, there are actually several potential answers to this question. In general, any machine in an online or offline casino has a slight house edge. For the sake of this example, let’s say that edge is 5%. For a progressive jackpot, the casino may pump 1% of the ongoing potential profit into the jackpot.
One reason casinos do this is because it gives them something unique to advertise. Since both online and offline gambling are very competitive industries, anything a casino can do to attract members or visitors is worthwhile. Another reason is that for a site, having a constantly updating meter will grab people’s attention. This can persuade them to spend a little more time playing instead of quitting. The same scenario is true for traditional casinos.
The other reason is that when a jackpot gets to a really big amount, frequent players may literally tell their friends and family members about it. Since that can result in word of mouth business for the casino, this style of game can work very well as a marketing mechanism.
Can You Play Progressive Jackpots Online?
Yes, as previously touched on, lots of online casinos offer games with progressive jackpots. The easiest way to find out which ones do is to browse through a review site. Once you find a site with a progressive jackpot that looks appealing, you can go directly to the online casino to see where the jackpot is currently at.
Also a Possibility with Blackjack
Even though progressive jackpots are usually linked to slot machines, it’s worth mentioning that this concept can also work with Blackjack. The way it works is while all the standard rules and gameplay of Blackjack are followed, an extra dollar is added to each bet. Then when a specific combination is dealt in a certain order, the player who got those cards gets to collect the entire jackpot.
Now that you know how progressive jackpots work, if you’re looking for a fun style of gambling that can potentially result in a big payout, playing progressive slots or Blackjack may be right up your alley!